Autism and vaccinations: the end?
Autismo y vacunas: ¿punto final?
Rev Neurol 2010
, 50(Suplemento 3),
INTRODUCTION Of the different theories explaining the aetiology of autism, one that has achieved widespread popularity among the general public is the involvement of the MMR vaccine as the causation of autism. The connection between vaccines and autism rests upon two theories. On the one hand, the anti-measles fraction of the vaccine is attributed with the development of an enteropathy due to malabsorption, which would facilitate the absorption of toxic neuropeptides and the effects of this process on the brain would favour the appearance of autism. The other theory involves thimerosal (a combination of ethylmercury and thiosalicylate), which is used as a preservative in some vaccines, including the MMR. The data in favour of these hypotheses have led to a great amount of social alarm, especially in certain areas that are more inclined to accept ‘alternative’ therapies and hypotheses. DEVELOPMENT AND
CONCLUSIONS This article analyses the data on which the involvement of the MMR vaccine in autism is based. It also underlines the weakness of the anti-vaccine arguments, as well as the forceful, convincing response, based on experimental and epidemiological work, that has been generated following the notable social unrest. Running parallel to the scientific debate, there has also been a legal discussion, which has arisen as a consequence of the more than 5,000 lawsuits filed in the United States, and in which the claims for financial compensation together amount to two thousand million dollars. On 12th February 2009, following a court hearing in which the specific case of a girl called Michelle Cedillo was taken as an example, the court ruled that the overall weight of the evidence was overwhelmingly opposed to the theories put forward by the plaintiffs.
CONCLUSIONS This article analyses the data on which the involvement of the MMR vaccine in autism is based. It also underlines the weakness of the anti-vaccine arguments, as well as the forceful, convincing response, based on experimental and epidemiological work, that has been generated following the notable social unrest. Running parallel to the scientific debate, there has also been a legal discussion, which has arisen as a consequence of the more than 5,000 lawsuits filed in the United States, and in which the claims for financial compensation together amount to two thousand million dollars. On 12th February 2009, following a court hearing in which the specific case of a girl called Michelle Cedillo was taken as an example, the court ruled that the overall weight of the evidence was overwhelmingly opposed to the theories put forward by the plaintiffs.
Introducción Entre las múltiples teorías etiológicas del autismo ha alcanzado gran resonancia popular la implicación de la vacuna triple vírica como causa de autismo. La conexión entre vacunas y autismo se sustenta en dos teorías. Por una parte, se atribuye a la fracción antisarampionosa de la vacuna el desarrollo de una enteropatía malabsortiva que facilitaría la absorción de neuropéptidos tóxicos, cuyo efecto en el cerebro favorecería la aparición del autismo. La otra teoría involucra al timerosal (combinación de etilmercurio y tiosalicilato) utilizado como preservativo en algunas vacunas, entre ellas la triple vírica. Los datos en favor de estas hipótesis han generado una gran alarma social, especialmente en ciertos entornos proclives a la aceptación de hipótesis y terapias ‘alternativas’. Desarrollo y conclusiones. Este artículo analiza los datos sobre los cuales se sustenta la implicación de la vacuna triple vírica en el autismo. Por otra parte, pone en evidencia la debilidad de los argumentos antivacuna, así como la contundente réplica, basada en trabajos experimentales y epidemiológicos, que se ha generado tras la dramática alarma social. De modo paralelo al debate científico ha existido un debate jurídico, consecuencia de las más de 5.000 demandas legales generadas en Estados Unidos, cuyas peticiones de compensación económica superaban en conjunto los dos billones de dólares. El fallo del tribunal, ejemplarizado en el caso concreto de la niña Michelle Cedillo, dictaminaba el 12 de febrero de 2009 que el peso global de la evidencia era abrumadoramente contrario a las teorías planteadas por los demandantes.
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